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12 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

Webservisleri, RPC v.s. üzerine basit bir anlatımda benden

Okumaya başladığım kaynak bu. Yanında daha öz bir kaynakta buldum o da bu.
Çeviri yapmayacağım çok gerekmedikçe. İngilizce kaynaklardan nefret ediyorum. İsterdim ki hepsi türkçe olsun ve hepimiz sorunsuz anlayıp gelişen, geliştiren olalım. Ama ne kadar çevirirsen çevir bu dili anlamadıkça ilerlemek çok mümkün değil. O nedenle zamanı boşa harcamayalım 3, 4,5 inci dillerimizide öğrenelim.
Serileştirme üzerine bu makaleyi okuyabilirsiniz.
Bir Class Library projesi oluşturun ve yanına bir ASP.Net Web Servisi projesi ekleyin ve son olarakta Windows Form procesi ekleyin.

Kıymetli nokta;
  1. Bir ClassLib, bir Web Servisi, bir de Windows Form projesini bir solution altında toplayalım.
  2. Bir ClassLib projesinde tanımladığınız Book sınıfından bir nesneyi WebServisi procesinde HelloWorld metoduna parametre olarak verin.
  3. Windows Form a Web Referans olarak Windows Servisini verin ve HelloWorld metodunu çağırın.
  4. Windows Servisinin proxysini gözlemleyin ve görün elalem neler yapmış.

Bu makalenin üstüne ekleyeceğiz vakit oldukça (yetim bırakmazsak).

Alakasız bir not: kaynak
Differences Between XMLA Web Services and Generated Web Services
The major differences between XMLA Web services and generated Web services are:
�� Consumption capabilities. Generated Web services have a WSDL that is
customized for each stored process that is in the service. This enables client
application developers to create proxies that can create and read the XML
documents that are exchanged with the service. XMLA services are described in
the Discover call, so proxies must be manually created by the developer for calling
the service.
�� Attachments. XMLA Web services can process XML only. Generated Web services can read and write binary information by using attachments. For example, this means you can return graphs that are generated by ODS by using generated
�� Output parameters. The only allowed output from XMLA is the _WEBOUT
stream. Generated services can return output parameters, the _WEBOUT stream,
packages (by using attachments), and data targets.
�� Deployment. To deploy a stored process for XMLA, you set the XMLA Web Service keyword. To deploy a stored process for a generated service, you use a wizard in the folder view of SAS Management Console.
�� Metadata. Generated Web services have metadata that can be accessed using SAS Management Console.

Having all the type information in the WSDL is better suited to most client
applications, and also makes things simpler for the developer.
Making the WSDL more specific to the actual parameters instead of having a generic interface enables you to simplify the request XML.
Making the WSDL more specific also makes the Web service more easily consumed by standard Web service client applications such as BizTalk, InfoPath, Word, SharePoint, Excel, AJAX, and WebSphere.

Generated Web services also support attachments. Attachments enable you to send
non-XML (binary) data with a SOAP request or response. Most stored processes
generate binary output (because they create reports that contain HTML and GIF
images). MTOM is currently supported by .NET and the Apache Axis2 Web Service