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4 Ekim 2013 Cuma

Sequence Diyagram

Tonla anlatılacak şey var desem yalan olur.
Aslında resimlerle senaryoları toplamış olacağım ve her resimde neyi nasıl yapıyorlar anlayacaksınız.

CRC Kart

Ref: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=169507

You can see that an instance of order sends getQuantityand getProduct messages to the order line. You can also see how we show the order invoking a method on itself and how that method sends getDiscountInfo to an instance of customer.

The diagram, however, doesn’t show everything very well. The sequence of messages getQuantity,getProductgetPricingDetails, and calculateBasePrice needs to be done for each order line on the order, while calculateDiscounts is invoked just once. 

Ref: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=169507&seqNum=2

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Creating & Deleting Participants

Deletion of a participant is indicated by big X. A message arrow going into the X indicates one participant explicitly deleting another; an X at the end of a lifeline shows a participant deleting itself.