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9 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba

QT ile ilk oluşturulan sınıfların yapısı

C++ Hataları

non-aggregate type

* typical error message

../src/CBNT_Truth.cxx:720: request for member `pdg_id' in `thePart', which is of non-aggregate type `const HepMC::GenParticle*'

* cause : trying to use a pointer as the real object
* solution : replace the "." by an "->"

non-pointer type

* typical error message (a bit clearer than in previous case)

../src/CBNT_Truth.cxx:721: base operand of `->' has non-pointer type `TruthStab'

* cause : trying to use a real object as a pointer
* solution : replace the "->" by a "."

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