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28 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

XPath ve CSS 3


Goal CSS 3 XPath
All Elements * //*
All P Elements p //p
All Child Elements p > * //p/*
Element By ID #foo //*[@id='foo']
Element By Class .foo //*[contains(@class,'foo')] 1
Element With Attribute *[title] //*[@title]
First Child of All P p > *:first-child //p/*[0]
All P with an A child Not possible //p[a]
Next Element p + * //p/following-sibling::*[0]

Syntactically, I was surprised how similar the two selectors were, in some cases - especially between the '>' and '/' tokens. While they don't always mean the same thing (depending on what axis you're using in XPath), they're generally assumed to mean the child element of the parent. Also, the ' ' (space) and '//' both mean 'all descendants of the current element'. Finally, the '*' means 'all elements', regardless of their name, in both

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