Falanda filan diye giderken ilk gözüme çarpan, F# 2.0 Runtime. (Ölmemişmiydi bu proje Microsoft labaratuvarlarında?!!!)
TFS Object Model:
TeamFoundationServer Object
The Team Foundation Server object model is the public interface to Team Foundation Server.
The object model communicates with Web services in the application tier, and the application tier communicates with the SQL database in the data tier. Consumers such as one of the Team Foundation clients or integrators use the Team Foundation Server object model to interact with the server.
The TeamFoundationServer managed class encapsulates the object model. This class contains the basic properties of the server. Use this API when you work with various components of the server such as source code control and work item tracking.
Multi Targeting Pack:
Multi-Targeting Support (VS 2010 and .NET 4 Series)
Today’s post discusses VS 2010’s enhanced multi-targeting support – which allows you to use and target multiple versions of .NET. We did significant architectural work in the VS 2010 release to enable a number of new multi-targeting features, and provide a much better experience.
demiş Scott abi.
Henüz yazmamış olsamda MVC 2.0'yi görmek güzel :)
Silverlight 3.0 da aslında 2.0 olmalı bence. 1 zaten beta değil miydi? Hem HTML5 ile ne silverlight ne flash konuşmamalıyız. Steve Jobs abimizde böyle demiyor mu!!!
Hayırlı olsun vatana millete. İstemem yan cebime diyerek VS.NET 2010 u da tutalım bir yerlerde.