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1 Mayıs 2011 Pazar

DHCP Lease (IP Kiralama) süresini öğrenme ve değiştirme

netsh dhcp server scope>help
list - Lists all the commands available.
dump - Dumps scope configuration to a text file.
help - Displays help.
? - Displays help.
add - Adds a configuration entry to a table.
delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table.
initiate - Initiates an operation.
set - Sets configuration information.
show - Displays information.

netsh dhcp server scope>show optionvalue 51

Options for Scope

DHCP Standard Options :
General Option Values:
OptionId : 15
Option Value:
Number of Option Elements = 1
Option Element Type = STRING
Option Element Value = fresenius.com.tr
OptionId : 51
Option Value:
Number of Option Elements = 1
Option Element Type = DWORD
Option Element Value = 691200
OptionId : 6
Option Value:
Number of Option Elements = 2
Option Element Type = IPADDRESS
Option Element Value =
Option Element Value =
OptionId : 3
Option Value:
Number of Option Elements = 1
Option Element Type = IPADDRESS
Option Element Value =
Command completed successfully.
// 51 bizim dhcp lease süresi. bu değeri değiştirmek için aşağıdaki gibi yazarız
netsh dhcp server scope>set optionvalue 51 DWORD 3600

691200 değeri = 8 gün = 8 x 24 saat = 8 x 24 x 3600(saniye)